
Monday, April 18, 2016

School Garden Teacher Training Sessions Set

UGA is offering school garden teacher training sessions again this year to help teachers get the most out of their school gardens.

Two sessions, one in Cartersville (Thursday, June 16) and one in Savannah (Monday, June 13), will cover the basics of  healthy soil, planting for the school calendar, food safety, and pest management, along with lesson plans for use in the garden.

An additional session for teachers with more experience in the garden, to take place in Marietta (Tuesday, June 21st), will cover pollinator spaces, composting, more on food safety, grant writing, and advanced planting techniques.

All sessions include the following:

• Online education
• Learning experiments to be completed at home
• In person workshop taught by Extension professionals
• Participants will receive a certificate of completion
• Network with other educators and subject experts

 The $30 fee for each session includes the at-home learning package, lunch on the workshop day, and workshop materials.

Additional information about dates, times, and class content, and links for registration for the 3 training sessions is on the School Garden Teacher Training webpage of the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture.

NOTE: Georgia Organics is offering scholarships for each training location, for the first five teachers from schools that earned a Golden Radish award. If registering from a Golden Radish school, please contact Becky Griffin ( ) prior to registering.