
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Pond Management Workshop is Scheduled

A Pond Management Workshop sponsored by UGA Extension- Cherokee County ANR Agent Josh Fuder and featuring UGA Aquaculturist Dr. Gary Burtle is scheduled:

When:  September 1, 2015

Bluffs Business Center
Cherokee County Administrative Offices
1130 Bluffs Parkway
Canton, GA 30114

Dr. Burtle will be speaking on water quality and testing, liming & fertilizing a pond, weed ID & control, and population assessment and management.

For Whom:
This program about pond biology and proper management is for pond owners & managers, and anyone interested in pond management, fishing and best natural resource management practices.

Recertification Credits:
Two CEU credits in Category 16-Aquatic and/or one CEU credit in Category 10-Private are available to participants.

The registration form is available online through the Cherokee County Extension website. For more information call 770-721-7803.

Registration for this program is due by August 26, 2015. Class size is limited to 40.