Louise's Tips for Trees and Shrubs for March includes this information:
- Prune roses, camellias, crape myrtles, late-flowering clematis, and butterfly bush.
- Delay pruning of early-blooming shrubs, such as forsythia, quince, and weigela, until after they bloom.
- Prune out dead stems on all shrubs and trees.
- Clean blades of pruning tools with alcohol or a bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) to reduce spread of disease.
- Spray multipurpose fungicide on roses when leaves appear, to control black-spot.
- If major renovation of broadleaf evergreens is needed, prune those now.
Tips for Fruits:
- Plant strawberries.
- Prune muscadines and bunch grapes, if not yet done.
- Inspect figs for cold damage, and prune out damaged branches.
- Fertilize muscadines, bunch grapes, blueberries, and strawberries.
- Begin spray program for fruit trees.
- Fertilize established Fescue.
- De-thatch and top-dress Bermuda, Centipede, and Zoysia after growth has begun.
- Wait to fertilize warm-season grasses - Bermuda, Zoysia, Centipede - until the turf is at least 50% green.
- Treat existing winter weeds with a post-emergent control that is safe for your turf-type. Note any precautions, such as whether the product may injure warm-season grasses during green-up.
Gardening Tips for each month are linked at the top left corner of the table of publications.