
Friday, January 10, 2014

Green Industry Update - Tuesday, Jan. 28

A Green Industry Update, offered through UGA/Cobb County Cooperative Extension, is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2014. Recertification credits are offered in the following categories:
21, 23, 24, 27, 41 - 3 hours
Private - 2 hours
ISA - 2 hours

8:30-9:00           Registration
9:00-9:50           1) Proper Pruning of Trees and Shrubs for Plant Health and Pest Reduction
                          Rick Smith – Owner of The Pruning Guru
9:50-10:00         Break with Q and A
10:00-10:50       2) Proper Pruning of Trees and Shrubs for Plant Health and Pest Reduction
                          Rick Smith – Owner of The Pruning Guru
10:50-11:00       Break with Q and A
11:00-11:50       Mosquito Biology and Control in North Georgia
  Elmer Gray – Medical and Veterinary Entomologist UGA Dept of Entomology
11:50-12:00       Evaluation and Recertification Forms

Moderator will be Neil Tarver, UGA/Cobb County ANR Agent.

To preregister: email, or call 770-528-4070.
Cost: $10 per person at the door
Location: Cobb County Water Lab, 662 South Cobb Drive, Marietta, GA 30060