
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Green Industry Update

Cobb County Cooperative Extension's next Green Industry Update is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, 2013, at the Cobb County Water Lab (662 South Cobb Drive, Marietta, GA, 30060). The event qualifies for re-certification credits in categories 21, 23, 24, 27 (3 hours), Private (2 hours), and ISA (2.75 hours).

The event will be moderated by Jamie Cint of the Cobb Water System, and it is sponsored by Ecologel Solutions, LLC.

The cost is $10 per person at the door. The schedule is as follows:

8:30-8:50           Registration
8:50-9:00           Ecologel Solutions: Hydretain Root Zone Moisture Manager 
9:00-9:50           Landscaping and Pesticide Safety: Perils and Pitfalls                                
                          Dr. Bruce Gillett – Retired Neurologist and Cobb Master Gardener
9:50-10:00        Break with Q and A
10:00-10:50       Spring Tree Care: Maintenance, Feeding and Pesticide Treatments
                   Joe Burgess – Georgia Forestry Commission Senior Forester District 1
10:50-11:00      Break with Q and A
11:00-11:50      Water Efficiency in the Landscape and Preventing Pesticide Contamination 
                  Kathy Nguyen – Cobb County Water System Senior Project Manager
11:50-12:00      Evaluation and Re-certification Forms

To preregister: email  or call 770-528-4070.