
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Upcoming Events

Right Plant in the Right Place
Wednesday, March 13, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. Presented by Cobb County Master Gardener Joe Washington, at Mountain View Regional Library on Sandy Plains Road in Marietta, as part of the ongoing Gardeners Night Out presentation series of Cobb County Cooperative Extension's Master Gardener Volunteers of Cobb County.

Plant Pick-up for 4- H Plant Sale
Saturday, March 16, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Pick up plants ordered through the annual 4 -H Plant Sale at Jim Miller Park on Callaway Rd. in Marietta. For information on planting and care of your new plants, contact Cobb County Cooperative Extension at 770-528-4070 or

Vegetable Gardening Basics
Tuesday, March 19, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Free seminar for beginning gardeners covers the basics of vegetable gardening here in Georgia. Presented by Cobb County Cooperative Extension. Horticulture Program Assistant Amy Whitney will provide the information you need to get your garden off to a good start. Presentation will be at Cobb County’s Cooperative Extension Office, 678 South Cobb Drive, Marietta, 2nd floor classroom. Preregister by calling 770-528-4070 or email

From Your Garden to Your Table
Tuesday, April 2, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Cobb County Cooperative Extension staff will provide gardening tips for growing abundant produce for your family and for safely preserving that abundance through canning and freezing. Event will take place at Cobb County Cooperative Extension, 678 South Cobb Drive, Marietta. Cost $10 at the door (cash, check, or money order, payable to Cobb 4-H). Preregistration required; call 770-528-4070.

Ikebana: Japanese Flower Arranging
Tuesday, April 9, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. Presented by Donna Scott at the South Cobb Regional Library on Clay Road in Mableton, as part of the ongoing Gardeners Night Out presentation series of Cobb County Cooperative Extension's Master Gardener Volunteers of Cobb County.

Starting Your Spring Garden
Tuesday, April 9, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. The second in the 2013 series of classes sponsored by The Green Meadows Preserve Community Garden. Presented by Cobb County Cooperative Extension staff member Amy Whitney, who will provide gardeners with the basics of what, how, when and where to plant in the areas available to them. Event will take place at the smaller Parks and Recreation building near the Boots Ward Recreation Center at Lost Mountain Park, 4845 Dallas Hwy.

Tomatoes: From the Turtle to the Table
Friday, April 12, noon to 1:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. Presented by Cobb County Master Gardener Renae Lemon at the County Water Lab at 662 S. Cobb Drive (the smaller brick building at the back of the property), as part of the ongoing Lunch & Learn presentation series of Cobb County Cooperative Extension's Master Gardener Volunteers of Cobb County. Renae will tell all you need to know about growing tomatoes.

Algae Control in Ponds
Wednesday, April 17, 8:30 a.m. - noon. Instructed by UGA Aquaculture Specialist Dr. Gary Burtle, at Cobb County Cooperative Extension, 678 South Cobb Dr. in Marietta. The workshop will present information about the composition of scum and blooms seen in ponds, their causes, and ways to control or reduce their intensity. Participants are welcome to bring water samples for identification of algal species or water analysis. Re-certification credits: Category 26 Aquatic Pest Control - 3 credits; Private Applicator License - 2 credits.Cost $5 at the door; refreshments provided. Seating is limited. Preregister by calling 770-528-4070.