
Meet the Staff

At UGA Extension in Cobb County, the horticulture staff helps county residents with garden, yard, household pest, water quality, and related horticulture and natural resources problems. We also work with staff from other programs within Extension (4-H and Family and Consumer Science) in providing research-based solutions to problems.

Although much of our time is spent in the office, we also head out to community gardens, Master Gardener projects, school gardens, and other sites to provide horticulture-related information and help.

Renae Lemon, our Master Gardener Coordinator, has an educational background in Horticulture and earned her Master Gardener certification in 2009.
Louise Weyer (Horticulture) with winning display.

Daniel Price, Cobb County Program Assistant for the UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Science. He has a  Bachelor's in Biology, with a focus on wildlife and Environmental Science, and is currently enrolled in the Master Gardener course.

Louise Weyer, Horticulture Program Assistant who earned her Master Gardener certification in 1992, joined the Cobb Extension staff that same year. Louise is pictured to the right, with a blue ribbon she won for a display about community gardens in Cobb County at the 2014 North Georgia State Fair.