
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Monday, August 5, 2019

Sanitation in the Garden
By Louise Weyer

Septoria Leaf Spot

Tubakia on Oak
Bitter Rot on Apple

Do you see these conditions in your garden? They are triggered by various parasitic fungi that cause leaf spots, rusts, powdery mildew, and cankers. They overwinter in the soil, debris under the plants, cracks in the bark, and in spores attached to the plant. Fungi obtain nutrients by inserting root-like organs (mycelium) into host plants or dead organic matter. Warmer weather and rain will promote the production of spores which can be disseminated by wind and rain.
With a few gardening activities, one can focus on ways to lessen future disease problems. Sanitation is one of the most important methods of maintaining a healthy garden. It will reduce the amount of disease causing fungi present in the area thus reducing the amount of potential disease next season. In some instances, an effective fungicide is not available, is too expensive, or is difficult for the homeowner to effectively spray over the entire plant (e.g. trees). In these situations, good sanitation practices can be one of your strongest weapons to help reduce diseases and keep them from spreading.
Your sanitation regiment for ornamental trees, shrubs, fruits, and vegetables should include the following:
·         Employ proper pruning techniques.
·         Prune out and destroy all dead and diseased branches. 
·         Do not leave stubs. 
·         Cut just outside the collar tissue to promote rapid wound closure and healing. 
·         Disinfect pruning tools between cuts.
·         Remove fallen leaves to eliminate this overwintering site.
·         Remove dried, mummified fruits or vegetables.  
·         Remove old flower heads and stalks.
·         If plants were severely infected, it is advisable to remove and destroy them. Do not replace with the same species.
·         Remove weeds because they provide a winter habitat for fungi, insects, and seeds for next year’s weed crop.
·         Where practical, plow the soil to break down small roots and debris that may be harboring nematodes, fungi and bacteria.
·         Mulch plants to prevent splashing of soil containing fungi onto the plants. 

Sanitation is a year-round process. Removal of infected leaves, diseased fruits, berries, and vegetables as soon as a problem appears will reduce the spread of disease.

Sanitation Measures for Limiting Common Diseases in the Home Orchard”, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia www.pubs,
“Disease Control in the Home Vegetable Garden”, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia
“Azalea Diseases in the Landscape”, Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University
“Diseases and Insects of Shrubs and Small Trees”, University of Illinois Extension, “Reduce Pest Problems with Garden Sanitation Practices”, University of California, Davis, www.ucce.ucdavis,edu
“Garden and Landscape Sanitation Important for Plant Disease Management, Missouri Environment and Garden,
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